the feeling of not doing enough.
You don’t have a massive social media reach or already got a small business in your twenties, what a shame!
No, that’s okay and totally normal. But why are we feeling pressured all the time, and why are we feeling like doing something wrong? I think there is really simple answer to it: Social Media gives you the feeling of the perfect and successful life everyone has, but in reality, it’s definitely not the case!
We need to remember that every person has their struggle in life and the usual stuff going on. Everyone has to keep up with their daily life and to-dos.
Being busy, stressed and not having time for your social life – is kinda normal. It‘s really important to remember that, and sometimes we need to remind ourselves how great we are doing every single day!
I myself often struggle to remind myself how many little things I achieve each day – whether it is going to the gym, studying, doing things that make me happy or getting my to-do‘s done. I believe everyone has his individual strengths and only because some people have attention on the internet, doesn’t mean you are less worthy or get fewer things done. And I‘m sure that even the people that have that media attention still have the same feeling about not getting enough stuff done.
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the feeling of not doing enough.
That’s actually the point, the society expects us to reach our „highest“ performance, but what if I don’t feel like it? What if I need a short break or need some space? You should take yourself these breaks or that space. Take a breath and after that, you can keep going. If you just keep going, and you don’t listen to your body, the feeling of „too much“ is only getting worse. No one will mind if you need that time off, and especially your body & health will thank you for it.
Each person has a different limit of capacity and different goals. As long as you focus on yourself and set your own goals, whatever those might be, you don’t have to worry about others too much. Someone once said to me „Only mind your own business and do everything that stands in your power to make yourself happy“.